SoFlo Writing Project

A part of the larger network of National Writing Project sites, the SoFlo Writing Project serves and partners with K-12 teachers, public and private school districts, and Nova Southeastern University to provide South Florida teachers with resources, access, and community for writing-centered discussion, pedagogical exploration, and justice-oriented research that can be engaged both inside and outside of the classroom.

Beginning in summer 2024, the Department of Communication, Media, and the Arts at Nova Southeastern University began hosting an annual Invitational Summer Institute for teachers in the tri-county area. The SoFlo Writing Project was created to benefit the community and to enrich teachers’ access to pedagogical, personal, and professional writing growth. Focusing on literacy learning, critical pedagogies, and leadership development, participants work collaboratively and independently to create lesson plans, engage current scholarship, and develop their professional portfolios. We value NWP’s long and rich history of supporting teachers and communities through evidence-based leadership programs and customized invitational institutes that build from the proven teachers-teaching-teachers model. With this dedicated National Writing Project site, we hope to give teachers the chance to collaborate, learn from each other, and explore their own interests in writing and teaching writing. Teachers in the state of Florida need and deserve support, and we see this site as a way to support them.

Eligible teachers must be available to participate in-person for the Summer Institute duration at the NSU campus in Davie. Upon completion of the Summer Institute, Fellows will receive:

  • In-service points and National Writing Project badges
  • Lifetime access to lesson plan archives created during every SFWP Summer Institute
  • Fellows may apply to receive credit for up to two elective courses in NSU’s M.A. in Composition, Rhetoric, and Digital Media (CRDM) program
  • Additional CRDM application waivers and benefits available
  • Off-site community engagement

For information about what each Summer Institute will offer, visit the Summer Institutes page.

